The King's Search

Hey there friends!  How is your day going?  I hope it's going great!  

I love stories that have a powerful lesson "hidden" in them and so I'm going to tell you one that strums my heart strings and challenges me in this Kingdom life!

My Dad had heard this story and retold it to his Sunday School class and I just really loved it - so I'm retelling it in my own words to you! :)  It's message is what my heart longs for our generation to realize the importance of and live out with passion!

Once upon a time there King who was in search of a driver for his family's carriage.  This person's job would be to assure the safe travel of his wife and children (his most precious of treasures) from place to place.  

Many came from all over the land to apply for the job.  One by one the interviewees would each boast of their impressive driving capabilities.  "I have unmatched strength and can steer horses with command and skill!  I can make haste with your family from place to place!" one applicant boasted.  "I have drove far and wide and am especially skilled in dangerous passages!" boasted another.  "I could safely navigate your family near cliff edges of mountainous terrain with just one hand on the reign - you can trust me!" 

 The boasts continued to get more "grand" with every potential driver until one specific man with a humble spirit approached the King and immediately gained his respect before he even spoke.  The King asked this man the same question as he had asked all the other's before him. "Why should I entrust you with the lives of my dearest most valuable of treasures - my wife and children?"  The man simply and genuinely replied, "O, good King, I would not take your wife or children down any known dangerous paths, or anywhere near a cliff's edge, but would choose right paths and courses away from danger and would guard them with my life."  With that simple, sincere answer the King knew he had the driver he was looking for!  A driver who was not concerned of impressing the world while working for his Majesty, but desired to live wisely, treasuring what was of most value to the King with his life! (which in turn honored the King and impacted the whole entire Kingdom!)

Such an incredible picture of the Kingdom of God is painted in this story!  My heart is burning with passion over this truth!  God is not impressed or glorified with how close we, as His children can get to compromise without "actually" compromising.  He's not honored by how close we can look like the world, walk like the world, partake in the entertainment and social fads of the world all in the guise of "winning the world to Christ".  He hasn't called His beloved to do that in that way. You don't have to partake in worldly ways in order to love others.  He loved perfectly without doing that and so can we, because that's what He's told us to do - love like Him!

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, 
and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, 
and many there be which go in there at:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, 
which leadeth unto life, 
and few there be that find it." 

- Matthew 7:13-14

My heart breaks with how many fellow brothers and sisters in Christ I hear "boast", in loud and subtle ways that they can walk the wide path and still be "safe".  It's common in this generation.  It's the popular Christian thing to do.  So many don't even look into the "narrow" way.  They don't want it, it sounds too "boring" and "uptight".  But, what they are choosing to "pass" on, is in actuality a miraculous expanse of untapped glory, freedom, pleasure and purpose designed specifically for them to experience and to share, but it requires selflessness.  Selfless is not the "in thing" these days sadly.  So much untapped glory is available through laying down one's desires and lusts, but believers in Christ really aren't interested in such righteousness these days. They care more to impress others and just "work" for the King of Kings, instead of treasuring what is most valuable to God with their whole lives! (which in turn honors Him and impacts the entire eternal Kingdom now and forever!)

Oh my heart.  I'm an advocate for the narrow way - because that's my Jesus' way!  There's no earthly pleasure that can compare.  

Is there something that you are partaking in that is characterized by compromise, even though you don't want to admit it?  Maybe it's something that has the mark of the wide way, but you think, "awww it's ok - I've got this under control".  That's a flag being raised in the Kingdom life you have been given.  A flag telling you to not be deceived by your own claim of strength, but to lay down your life in that area, (which most likely will require giving it up) and let the Holy Spirit control you and experience purpose like you've never known before!

Drive the narrow path. Be a narrow path driver! It's not boring, no matter what anyone says.  It's not being uptight, even if you're accused of that.  It's the path God calls His children to.  He doesn't force us on it, but searches with anticipation and excitement for those who will choose it!  He delights in wise choices and those who make them.  I want to delight Him more than delight in the world.  

Oh, may this be so of my life Lord Jesus and of the lives of this generation of your children, so that the generations to follow will desire the same!

"By humility and the fear of the Lord 

are riches, and honour, and life."

-Proverbs 22:4

Praying for you and how God will be glorified by this truth in your life!  Cheering you on in this Kingdom life!


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