A Tale to Tell

Hey there friend!  Glad to have you visit my blog today!
I have a little story to tell and I’m grinning because it’s a good one!

I love stories/tales/parables and I think it’s neat that Jesus told parables during His time here on earth!  I have a little parable to tell you today!  It’s not one that Jesus taught, but is a tale that I heard recently and it really struck a chord in my heart!  It has such great applications to living life!  So, without further ado – here is my retelling of the story…

Once there was an elderly man, a boy and a donkey.  They were traveling into town together – the boy was riding the donkey and his Grandpa was walking alongside.  As they traveled along, they passed a group of people sitting in some shade.  One of the people in the group called out, “Shame on you boy!  Shame on you for riding that donkey while your elderly Grandpa walks!”

The boy and Grandpa looked at each other and without a word the boy willingly jumped off the donkey and offered his place to his grandfather.  The grandfather was strong enough to walk, but thought maybe to ride would be better since that person they passed felt so strong about it!  They continued on and came across a group of two familes playing ball in a field.  One of the people in the group called out in protest and said, “How could you as a Grandfather let your little grandson walk in this heat?!”  The two travelers looked at each other once again and decided that maybe decided they both would walk.

They continued on both walking alongside their donkey and happened upon a group of people walking back from town.  One yelled out, “Are you two crazy?  You have a donkey and  you both are walking?!  That’s a shame!”  With another look at each other and some discussion the Grandpa and boy decided to both ride the donkey.  There, maybe that settled all the criticism.
But, not so, for they soon passed some children playing and one little girl cried out, “How could you be so mean to that poor donkey both of you riding on him?!!”  Slightly exhausted at the emotional part of this trip the two travelers once again looked at one another and knew the last thing they had to do to please their latest accuser – they both started to carry the donkey.
They eventually made it into town, but in the process of carrying the donkey had lost the money they had brought to buy the things they needed.  Exhausted and hungry – the two had no choice but to head back home, but this time – they decided it wasn’t worth it to try to please everyone – they would just do what they knew was best, love each other and respect others but wouldn’t let them dictate their travel.  And even though their stomachs were growling and they were tired, the trip back was filled with much joy and peace!

Moral of the story, of course, is the truth that if you try to please everyone, you will be confused as to what to do, it will be very hard to get anywhere, you will end up pleasing no one, including yourself and you lose more than you gain.

I love that story!  It’s so easy to want to please everyone – to let other’s opinions dictate our decisions and actions.  It’s also though, quite the raging “fashion” these days to basically  “do you and forget others”.  Neither are good in and of themselves, but with the right balance and relying on God – there can be such an incredible outcome!  When you put God first – give Him the throne of your heart and mind – you will love who He made you to be and love others the way He’s gifted you to!  You will know the the truth and what is right by following His Word and for every one of your decisions, however big or small, you can rely on His Spirit to guide you and you will “travel” life in confidence and joy!

Cheering you on to be the you that God created you to be and to make your decisions in this life by knowing how much you are loved by God and by listening to His Spirit and loving the journey!!!


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