Claim Your Name!

"A good name is rather to be chosen
than great riches, and loving favour rather
than silver and gold!" ~Proverbs 22:1

Hey there Incredible People with awesome names! :O) :O) :O)
This post has me pumped - hope it pumps you up too! lol!

Your name. It is a declaration of who you are!  I just love hearing my name!  It's like - "Yep! :O) That's me and happy to be!" when I hear it! lol!  It's probably that way for you too, right?  I sure hope it is! :O) Names are just so awesome - I'm glad we have them! ;o)  Well, this post is simply to encourage you to CLAIM-YOUR-NAME! Christ claimed His name!  He claimed all of Who He was and is! :O)  I'm sure satan wasn't too happy with that and I'm sure he tried many a time to get Christ to forget Who He was!  It's the same for us!  The meaning of our name and who we are is so important and so powerful to claim and satan doesn't want us to live in that awesome freedom!  (Doesn't that make you all the more want to?!!!)  I just wanted to encourage you to look up the meaning of your name and really claim it for Christ's Kingdom and use the truth of Who you are to throttle how you live!!!!  This pleases your heavenly Father so much!  It's a powerful thing - when one lives out their name meaning for God's glory and it is such a light for others to want to do the same!!!

Check out the verse at the beginning of this post again - isn't that just sooooo great!  God also brought the verse below to mind and it's enough to make my heart do a happy dance! 
 ~ <3 ~
"But now thus saith the Lord that
created thee, O Jacob, and He that formed
thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee,
I have called thee by thy name;
Thou art mine!"
~Isaiah 43:1~

You feeling the heart happy dance?! lol ;o)

YOU, my friend, are created by the Almighty, All Knowing God with a one-of-a-kind purpose!  An awesome part of that purpose is fulfilled by claiming your given name and putting the enemy to shame by living it out for God's glory!  {{{{YEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!}}}}  < (that's me cheering for you and who-you-are!!!!!)  :O)

Major amazing blessing to each one of you this week!  Have fun hearing your name and living it out with Kingdom claim! 


  1. Bri!! I so loved seeing you on Saturday, and I so loved this post! <3


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