I'm Yours...

"My beloved is mine, and I am his..." ~Song. 2:16

Happy Hearted Monday Everyone!
(may that be your experience this whole week - a happy heart!)

God took my breath away with His love today. I stood in awe as He pursued my heart with such passion. My heart was captured with His love as He used so many different people to deliver His love messages to me. I just marvelled with utter humility of all that makes Him -HIM! And how all that makes Him - Him, is mine. <3 It's enough to just blow my mind and explode my heart - the One Who is Perfect Love desires me and my desire of Him pleases His heart to no end. And His miraculous love is the same personally to YOU! I had it on my heart today to list at least a few of the glorious attributes of the best Beloved of all eternity! May your heart soar as you claim all that He is for you today!

He is:

My fiercest Protector
My wisest Counsellor
My excited Provider
My faithful God
My heart Listener
My all-out Pursuer
My compassionate Healer
My loyalist Friend
The Lover of my soul
The Keeper of my desires
My perfect Guide
My patient Corrector
My sweetest Song
My endless Peace
My sufficient Grace
My valiant Defender
My uncontainable Joy
My greatest Encourager
My endless Strength
The Love of my Life!

May we live in complete awe of Who Love is and may you know in the sweetest ways this week, that God is your Beloved and you are His!
Enjoy every minute of belonging to Him! :O)  <3


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