Secure Roots.

"That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith:  that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,  may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;  And to know the love of Christ!" ~Eph. 3:17-19a

Hey there Friends!
I'm so in awe of God's inexhaustible truth!  What a treasure He has given us - truth that never runs out and is always being revealed in new ways! I'm so grateful!  Here is a truth He has spoken to my heart that I felt led to share today!

Roots of Security
Security needs planted where it can truly thrive!

If you've planted your security in:
  • Appearance ~ It's to shallow to survive.
  • People ~ It's impossible for it to be perfectly cared for.
  • Things ~ There's not enough nourishment there for life.
  • Yourself ~ The roots will fail to be able to take hold.
Take your security (get it at the roots!) and offer it up to God and He will take and plant it deep in His Spirit of truth - Himself!  He will perfectly care and nourish it and it will thrive through the true life that only He can give! 
It's simple and so vital ~ live in Christ's perfect love for you and be secure and free! <3
Blessings this week! 
Be the YOU God made you to be!
~Bri :O)


  1. I'm so glad it blessed you Charis! I needed it too! :O) Have a great week!


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