Dear America,

Dear America,
I'm grateful to be an American girl, grateful to call you my country.  This American girl’s heart is heavy for you of late though, but I will not be as one without hope, because hope is always alive!

Our land has been blessed by God because our “one nation under God” was founded carefully, solemnly, and in wise detail upon the principles, morals and governing direction from God’s Word – the Bible.  God blesses and protects those who honor Him. There have, over the years, been those who are slowly breaking down this blessing by selfishly turning away from God, and also those who have been seeking to tear it down through malicious greed – destructively tearing gradually at the foundations.  Now more than ever is this becoming more evident and their destruction is gaining speed. 

There are forces at work trying to undermine all our forefathers worked, sacrificed, fought and shed blood for.  Enemies from other lands is one thing, but it’s a whole other level of danger, when the enemies are from within. Please see the signs and stand against the undermining of the gift of freedom our forefathers gave you.  The signs can start out insignificant and un-noticed by most, often (as history shows) disguised as “peace and safety”.  Our freedom is a gift (to only name a few) of religious freedom, free assembly, the right to travel, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, freedom of speech etc.  and these rights are being touched when they should be untouchable.  Do what you can, wisely, to prevent those who are “testing the waters” to see what freedoms can easily be gained control of, using current circumstances.

 Do I want the current situation of our country and all that is going on right now to be a “temporary” thing?  Do I hope for the absolute best and that freedoms will not continue to be threatened and that soon, what we knew last year, as normalcy returns to the U.S.A.?  Absolutely and I pray it does, but being alert to core values being threatened is a wise thing to do. Truly some of this has already been in the works for years, but not paid as much attention to.  When people with wrong motives are given an “inch” they will take yards and their greed is never satisfied at the cost of all.  Socialism knocks at the “door” of the “homes” of countries and when the door is opened even a little – they are given the “in”.  Stand strong fellow U.S.A. “housemates”!  Don’t even answer the “door”.  Be alert and aware of ever-present danger. Help warn others, be a voice of truth to those in positions of influence.  Be united!   “…Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.”  - Matt. 12:25 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord..” – Psalm 33:12

I share this out of a passion for truth, out of love and heart for my fellow countrymen and countrywomen and future generations.  To stand for truth and righteousness and liberties and to encourage the church and people of America to do the same is good and right.  Freedom: “the quality of state of being free as (a) the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.” -Merriam Webster Dictionary  

My heart is grieved with those who are living in blatant disregard for being a respectable person. So many are disrespecting, even blaspheming the man who God has in the office of the President, a position which should be respected no matter who holds that office.  Even major news stations are doing so in hopes that the masses will follow suit against the leader of our country. Not to mention, using their stations to distort reality, by reporting inaccurate facts with twisted motives. It's sickening.  Flags, the symbol of our freedom stained with the blood of every life given are being burned with no serious consequence. Many are considering life sacred only after it's born. An outcry to de-fund those who have sworn to protect has only endangered more lives and caused more lives to be lost.  Economy is being treated as a casualty to “safety” and “protection”.  Businesses (the dreams of so many people) are going under, being shattered. Loved ones are being denied access to suffering loved ones and life changing moments in the hospitals.  The well are being treated as unwell and everyone is given the degrading title of “risks” to society.  We’re told to still stay away from others out of “kindness” even though this current virus has a glaringly high percentage (99.9%) of survival rate. Good fellowship and interaction and communication, in person, boosts our immune systems and is best for mental wellness, yet it's being stifled. Fellowship is God's design and so is our incredible immune system.

Conformity is not unity no matter how much someone is trying to convince you of it right now. The way our nation is operating right now is unrecognizable and brings tears to my eyes.

I’m am not without hope for our land though, because I know that God is Sovereign and man’s devices do not undermine His power.  I will worship Him, exalt Him, reverence Him, declare His truth to all, and pray for our nation.  I will pray for our freedom with gratefulness and petition before God for it to not be lost.  I will ask the Lord for His loss prevention expertise to be over this country, despite how many spite Him.  I will pray for the people who have unhealthy fear to be free through a healthy fear of a righteous, loving, powerful God. I will pray that the wrong motives of citizens and individuals in leadership will be thwarted and that we, as a nation would turn to the Lord – the King of Kings and Prince of Peace. He alone is true security.  He alone banishes fear. He alone is to be stood in awe of and to leave people speechless. He is the One Who holds our tomorrow – we hold not our own.  I will continue with a passionate heart to “pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!”  

I'm cheering for you America, with anticipation for how evil will not prevail and truth will be declared and shared and that the U.S.A. will be a light more than ever of a nation who's God is Lord!


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