Love is...

Hey there friend!  Glad to have you stop by my blog today!

I know it's not Valentine's week anymore, but it doesn't mean love isn't still to be celebrated!
All last week I came into work dressed in red and my Dad (I'm his secretary btw) said, "You're celebrating love week!" to which he immediately added, "Well, actually to you every day is love day, love week, love month!"  Lol!  He knows me well.  I'm a super fan of love! Why not be?! Especially when GOD IS LOVE!!!!! 

I wrote down a little list that only scratches the surface of what love is, but it's always good to be reminded of the length, height and depth of what God designed love to be! 

Love is...
-being a cherisher
-serious commitment
-looking deeper than the outward
-kind deference
-looking people in the eye when they are speaking to you (the eye is the mirror of the soul)
-being present. 
-admitting when you're wrong.
-noticing hurts and helping in any way you can.
-letting a friend have the last french fry! (lol - funny but true!)
-in the small and big things

"Love is not getting, but giving; not a wild dream of pleasure, and a madness of desire - oh, no, love is not that - it is goodness and honor, and peace and pure living - yes, love is that; and it is the best thing in the world, and the thing that lives longest." ~Henry van Dyke 
-listening to understand
-planning ahead
-sacrifice - putting others first
-speaking truth
-finding a root cause and fixing it
-giving even when it's hard
-a smile
-being observant and complimentary
-focused and dedicated
-courteous concentration
-organizing to prevent confusion
-choosing words wisely
-anticipating the future with excitement
-attentive to needs and being active in providing for them

...Who God is.

...not viewing romance as fulfilled expectations!
...a banishing of fear. 
...a binding together. 
...noticing the little things. 
...a legacy.
...being patient with joy.
...seeing beauty in blemishes.
...abhorring evil. 
...full of faithfulness. 

Blessings to you as you love others as Christ loves you!
:) Bri



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