"Amen and Alleluia!"

Hello Everyone! :)
I love writing to each of you!  It's my heart to encourage yours and I hope today's post does just that!

{"Amen and Alleluia"}  These are two words that I desire to be on my heart and in my mouth!  It's so easy for me to get too focused on how things happen in life that I wouldn't want to happen. It's easy for my thinking to be too consumed on change that comes that I wish didn't have to or on dreams that haven't yet come to pass.  It's easy to be caught up in a whirlwind of those thoughts, but I've had on my heart the past couple days for my heart to be still and grateful.  I've sensed the Holy Spirit encouraging me to say "Amen" (so be it) to God's Will and His Sovereignty and His Divine Goodness in every situation, change and waiting time.  And even more to say "Alleluia" (Praise Jehovah) in addition to "so be it"!

The whirlwind of thoughts don't control me - God does!  And He has given me grace - the desire and power to choose to focus on Him.  That choice stills storms.  That choice impacts the present and the future! That choice has influence on lives present and generations to follow!

 "In the multitude of my thoughts within me, Thy comforts delight my soul!" - Psalm 94:19

“And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.”  -Revelation 19:4

How about you?  Will you decide to say "Amen and Alleluia" to God's will in every detail of your life?!  Let's do it - shall we?

Let's say "Amen and Alleluia"
-to His infinite faithfulness 
-to His perfect guidance in every decision
-to His refining in us to bring forth all we were created for
-to receiving His character and living it out to the fullest
-to the impact of His love through us to those around us and
-to the ways He wants us to act on His love
-to His Kingdom alive here on earth and
-to eyes being opened to see
-to our part in helping others see the Kingdom
-to knowing the love of our Beloved King more and more
-to our heart being open before Him
-to Jesus healing our hurts and holding our tears
-to Jehovah's glory alive in us mightily
-to choosing surrender
-to the hard things He allows to make us stronger and more ready than ever to accomplish what He has called us to!
-to change and a deep knowing that it is in the control of the gentle hand of our Beloved Savior
-to God's time frame
-to Jesus showing us His vision
-to His Ultimate will for this life!

Cheering you on dear one!  God rejoices over you! May He be your delight and your stay!

*in loving memory of my dear Aunt Patty who is saying Alleluia before the throne of her Beloved Jesus now! 


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