A Date...

There I sat waiting with nervous excitement over the unknown before me.
I had a date.

I had heard other’s opinions of him, but I was excited to meet him face to face!
I was determined to not presume things about him (good or bad) but let my date speak for himself and let the Holy Spirit inside me confirm the truth!
I glanced at my watch.  I was early, but it seemed like it was taking an eternity for him to arrive!
I straightened my dress nervously as if that would take up some time.
Tick. Tock.  Tick Tock.  Tick Tock.
Then, right on time he appeared. (Insert my heart beating fast.)
He approached and suddenly all of me was flooded with hope.
We both smiled at each other.  His smile was so reassuring that I felt glad and grateful that I had gone on this date!

As we got to know each other, I started to deeply appreciate and admire all that made him who he was!  It suddenly seemed quite silly that I had hesitations before this moment. I wanted to know him more!
In the midst of our conversation he said that things were looking bright!  I grinned and asked him how he could be sure.  
His answer intrigued me and blessed me.
He said it was looking bright because he’d been there and God was present.
I didn’t quite understand, but I believed him.  I had this incredible sense that I could trust him.

It’s such an adventure meeting someone you’ve never met before, but there was something so strange and wonderfully familiar about my date, that I was immediately at ease. He made me feel like I could be completely me!  It was almost as if God had told him about me.

I sensed a belonging with him and it made me anticipate the road to come with much joy!
It might seem kind of cheesy, but it felt as though - who was sitting right in front of me was what the dreams of my heart were made of.

Today, I had a date with The Future.
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped, the evidence of things not seen!” – Hebrew 11:1

Grin.  Did I have you guessing as you read that?!  Although I would have loved to have been telling you of an actual date I went on like that – this truly is exciting for me to share!  Today, you have a date with the future.  Such a true statement!  God gave me that phrase yesterday and it really made me excited!  The future is bright because God is there!!!! God has designed life so that each today meets with such glorious potential for the future! It's something to be excited about - to anticipate with joy! Also, God is the Ultimate romantic.  He created love – He IS Love! He delights in the desires of our hearts and isn’t bound by time.  He is with us in our present and future and HE’s excited about both – so we should be too! ;)

Just a fun, short little back story.
I had a very fleeting thought yesterday that went something like, “I wish I could write something.”  Lol.
I had meant as in like a poem or some sort of lyrics of sorts.  Probably not even an hour later, God gave me that phrase and then the story form of it came! He had heard that little almost non-existent desire of mine and it was His pleasure to fulfill it for His glory!  That was yesterday.  Today, (in the future as He had planned) I’m typing it as a blog post and smiling because the present and the future, with God is incredible!

With God the best is yet to come – always! 
(And that’s a non-expiring promise!).
Life with Him is my favorite.

Blessings to you!  Know that your future is in God's hands and it's exciting!  Claim that truth today - ok?!


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