
Hey there everyone!
I hope you've had a joyful week so far!

These weeks before my brother's wedding are pretty full, and so this post is a short one, but definitely something I'm passionate about!  I know I've written at least one other post on this topic, but reminders are good things! ;)

I'm passionate about the importance and impact of smiling. 

You know how a sunny day just really boosts the moral of people?  Well, a smile is just as effective!  It's not hard to do, but often just isn't done..  Hopefully it won't become a lost art among the majority, and even  more among God's children!  May we all preserve the art of smiling - for it is such a beautiful thing to behold and to receive!  Truly!  If someone told you that you could impact someone’s life with only even a second of your time - would you be willing to spare that second?  That's all it takes.  One second - lifting the corners of you mouth! (but make sure it's fueled by the love in your heart - Jesus' love because that makes the smile ETERNALLY more impactful!)

Just think about all the somber faces you face on a day to day basis and then one person amongst them who smiled at you. Didn't it just make you feel good?  I'm impacted by smiles even if they aren't "aimed" at me!
When I see a Dad or Mom or both smile down at their little child - when I see someone smile at the elderly person they are holding the door open for - when I drive pass a car full of teenagers laughing and smiling at each other etc. etc. etc.

A smile is contagious! Spread it! ;)  I love challenging the contagiousness of it sometimes - like when I see a little baby fussing in it's stroller in front of me in a store line - most of the time when I smile real big - that little baby’s face will light up with one too!  

"...For your smile is a part
Of the love in your heart
And it makes even sunshine more bright..."
-When Irish Eyes are Smiling

"A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance!..." ~Proverbs 15:13

Spread smiles like wildfires and allow God’s light and love to penetrate deeper than even
imaginable! God uses everything done for His glory and in His love miraculously and GINORMOUSLY to impact eternity! Be faithful in “the little” friends!
:) Bri


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