Say It & Sing It!

Hello there friends!
It's been awhile since I've posted due to being out of town, but I’m
back once again! Lol!

I love hanging out with my niece and I'm amazed at how much I learn from her 4 years of life!  As I help her learn life lessons, God teaches me life lessons and it's rather awesome really!  God is amazing like that!

Cora loves talking about God and His righteous ways and loves singing about Him too.  She will ask me questions about right and wrong and I stand in awe of her desire to live righteously before the God she loves so much!  Today she asked me "what makes God laugh?" and she delighted in the thought of making Him laugh!  The ways of God and His heart are always on her heart and mind!  She will also randomly break out in song anytime of the day and anywhere!  Her sweet little voice will sing loudly, "trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey!" 

I've been thinking today on how her little life inspires me in the importance of meditating on God's truth at all times!  Her heart and mind are IN TUNE with God's truths because her desire is toward Him and it shows in what she says and sings!  I've humbly been thinking on that and desire to meditate more on God and His ways myself.  "What do you think about during the day?" I asked myself.  I want to be like my niece and have God's name constantly on my lips - I want to be thinking
about Him and talking about Him and singing praises to Him throughout my day, in heart and mind and out loud!

When I'm watching Cora and tuck her in to sleep at night, I've been singing songs to her.  It's been testing my memory of the verses of hymns that I know, and Scripture songs and praise songs and has been a HUGE blessing to me.  Singing those words about Jesus out loud in quiet worship has ministered to my heart more than I thought it would as I sing Cora to sleep.  

So, all this to simply say, I encourage you to do the same in your own way!  Think on God and His truth, talk about Him, and lift up your voice to give Him worship (not just on Sunday!).  It's such a powerful way of glorifying Him and claiming truth and a sweet place of deep knowing of who you are as His child!  Sing as you get ready for the day or turn off the radio and sing in the car, or as you make dinner or get ready to go to sleep!  And if you don't even really like to sing - recite the words of songs that you know as poems and sonnets to your Savior!  You won't regret doing it - truly!

Blessings to you!  Know that you are deeply loved by a Beloved Savior!


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