To Do Today:

Hey there! 
Do you have things to do today?  I'm sure you do - as do I!  How about adding just a few things to the top of your list?  They're really easy to do and they are really important and beneficial - I promise!

  • Make someone laugh!  (I adore making my family laugh and friends too!  I love seeing their faces erupt in joy and hearing laughter ringing through the air is a wonderfully contagious sound!)

  • Hug your loved ones. (Give "just because" hugs to the ones you love today!  When I receive one - it literally makes my day and I'm sure it will theirs!  Take a quick second to do it!)

  • Compliment in earnest. (A moment taken to give a sincere compliment is SUCH a huge gift. Keep your eyes and heart open for the right moment and person to give one too! There truly are soooo many everyday instances to compliment someone. Ex. I work with my brother and he left work one day and said, "Great job today!"  It's not something he had to say and it was such a simple thing but it really made my Secretary heart happy!)

  • Smile. (It takes more muscles to frown than to smile. Just sayin. ;)  My day is truly impacted by each smile I encounter throughout my day and so I love to be that to someone else's day! Random fact:  I especially get a kick out of smiling where it's not as common to see one! lol!  Like when I get on a plane and walk past all the people already seated that are watching the rest of us board with bored looks on their faces. Lol.  Anyhoo - all that to say that a smile can literally LIGHT UP a room especially when Jesus is the reason behind it - so smile away people!!!!

  • Talk about Jesus!  (Do you love telling others about your family?  Tell them about Jesus too - He is your Heavenly Father and the One Who gave you your family!  Speak His name - even if it's a simple "God bless your day!"  His name doesn't return void and there is power in speaking and hearing it!)

I encourage you to add these to you "To Do" list today - you won't regret it! (and neither will anyone impacted by you doing it!)


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