This Very Moment

Hey there!
Today's post is just a little reminder for myself and for you to "live in the moment and make it so beautiful , that it will be worth remembering!" (as Fanny Crosby said so well!)

There are 1, 440 minutes in a day - that's 1, 440 minutes to redeem for eternity - to live for the Kingdom of heaven!

“Just think,  you're not here by chance, but by God's choosing you. His hand formed you, He made you the person you are.  He compares you to no one else -you're one of a kind. You lack nothing His grace can't give you.
He has allowed you to be here at this time in history to fulfill His special purpose for this generation.” -Roy Lessin

It's SOOOO very true friend!  This very moment you have an opportunity to redeem for the glory of God - every moment is a gift - let's give them back to the One Who gives them to us! (That's how you make moments the most beautiful and the most memorable! ;)

Ephesians 5:15-17
"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not
 as fools, but as wise, 
Redeeming the time,
because the days are evil. Wherefore be
 ye not unwise, but understanding what 
the will of the Lord is."

This very moment may your life walk and
 your heart delight in being with the Lord! For
 when you walk with Him and delight in Him, 
 you will understand His will and when you 
dwell in His will - you experience and live out His eternal Kingdom now!

Cheering you on!


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