O, be careful...

Have you ever heard anyone say, “O, to have child-like faith!”?  Well, I tell ya, it truly is a wonder to behold and such a good thing to have even when we are all grown up! ;).  Luke 18:17 “Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.”

I’ve been so blessed by being an Aunt to my 4 year old niece and am so amazed at her love for Jesus, by her sensitivity to good and evil and by her passion for good!  I have been so humbled and challenged in my faith by her faith!

There’s so many stories I could share as to how her little 4 year old life has challenged me, but for this post – here’s one from last week!

I was renting a movie at a kiosk and my niece was standing there with me.  She was looking at the pictures of the movies available to rent on the advertisement board and I told her “let’s not look at that board ok?”  (all kinds of movies, good and bad were pictured and I didn’t really want her seeing the covers of some of them). She stepped away from the board as I had asked her to and as she stood by me, she started singing a song that impacted me more than she will ever know.  She started singing, in her sweet little voice, “O, be careful little eyes what you see.  O, be careful little eyes what you see!!” She looked up at me and said, “Do you remember that song?”  Oh.My.Heart.

What a sweet reminder to guard my eyes, heart and mind from beholding evil.  There’s so much evil to behold especially these days, the news feeds, tv shows, social media, advertisements etc. etc. etc.  Satan would have us become insensitive to it and overcome by it, but the Holy Spirit would have us sensitive to it and obedient to Christ – overcomers in truth!

The full lyrics to the song my little niece was singing say this,

“O, be careful little eyes what you see, O, be careful little eyes what you see,
For the Father up above is looking down in love, O, be careful little eyes what you see.

O, be careful little ears what you hear, O, be careful little ears what you hear,
For the Father up above is looking down in love, O, be careful little ears what you hear.

O, be careful little hands what you do, O, be careful little hands what you do,
For the Father up above is looking down in love, O, be careful little hands what you do.

O, be careful little feet where you go, O, be careful little feet where you go,
For the Father up above is looking down in love, O, be careful little feet where you go!

O, be careful little mouth what you say, O, be careful little mouth what you say,
For the Father up above is looking down in love, O, be careful little mouth what you say!”

I love how each time the lyrics exhort doing what is right - the motivation they give is that "the Father up above is looking down in LOVE".  Wow.  May His love for us and our love for Him be our motivation for living righteously!

I hope this little post encourages you to guard your life for righteousness sake and for the glory of God! Turn away from evil and behold good (which is all things of God!)
Cheering you on!


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