"Dear Someone..."
Hello there! So glad to have you stop by my blog today! Just to give ya a "heads up", this particular post is geared toward encouraging friends out there that are single! (but next week's post is a more "for all stages of life" kinda post :)
{Being in love.} I was thinking the other day on how I've never experienced that before. (at least in the sense of the love between a man and woman - ya know the soul mate kinda love :) As I sat there wishing that I was experiencing it - God, the Lover of my soul, filled my heart with a deep sense of His love and laid a very sweet fact on my heart and mind that's so very true of the season of singleness. He shared with me this truth - that although I haven't experienced being in love in that way, I AM experiencing an incredible part of what "being in love" is - this very moment. 1 Corinthians (the love chapter) verse 4 says, "Charity suffereth long (aka love is patient) and is kind, charity envieth not..." Wow. While I wait on God's perfect timing for my love story and save my heart for my future husband - I'm loving him. I'm giving him a gift of my love this very moment and through my patience I'm experiencing a vital part of what being truly in love is. So, I may be single, but I'm in love with someone even though I may not know his name yet. In Proverbs 31 (the chapter of a virtuous woman) it says, "...the heart of her husband doth safely trust in her... She doeth him good and not evil all the days of her life." Wow again. God so lovingly reminded and encouraged me that doing him good ALL the days of my life includes before knowing him and while knowing him! As hard as it is sometimes waiting, what an honorable privilege it truly is and what a beautiful picture of love. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not envy.
If you're single and have times of feeling "left out" on the whole "being in love" experience - *grin* - do as it says in Luke 21:19, "In your patience, possess ye your souls." (aka mind, will and emotions!) Love God first, love others around you and love that future spouse even before knowing them! When you're having a moment of really missing someone you don't even know yet, pray for him/her! They're out there doing life right now and prayer is such a gift of love! Be honorable by counting waiting for God's timing as valuable, not a drudge (that's loving God right there!) and give your future spouse your love by living out patience (the Bible also says that patience is a virtue!) And one last thought, I've found it a sweet thing, while single, to write a letter (prayers, thoughts and encouragement) to the one I'm especially missing that I don't even know yet!
"Dear Someone..."
Cheering you on friend in your waiting!
-Bri :)
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